Read The Flipping Manual
Funny Manuals
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Funny Manuals

If you find it funny to read manuals which do not make sense, are translated without any real knowledge of the target language or are simply impossible to understand and not look any further:

Welcome to the home for funny manuals.

We all have seen them. Wonky translations, funny explanations. Impossible instructions. Wacky typos.

And we cannot get enough of them. That is why we created this website to share them, look at them, enjoy them, love them.

So this is where you can find the pictures/screen shots/documents of what made people across the globe laugh, cry or just shake the head while trying to start using the tool, appliance, programme, furniture, electronical equipment, gadget...or in other words...stuff they got and which was not self explaining to use or to get the most out of it.

Simply send us a picture or a screenshot or a document or a courier pigeon so we can have a look and post appropriate content on this website.

As you certainly understand, we will not condone any racist, sexist, violent, offensive content in any way, shape or form. That is why we take the right to refuse the publication in case we do not deem the content appropriate.

Currently the site is still in it's infancy and early work in progress. Nevertheless start sending us your funnies so we can quickly build up the content and get going properly.

©Hugo Doswald/2017